Support the SHOUT
Your one-time or recurring tax-deductible gift to the SHOUT enables us to produce quality content and pay our contributing writers, editors, and photographers.
We especially appreciate our recurring donors, because monthly commitments help us plan for the future. That said, we appreciate every single dollar we receive. If a one-time gift works better for you, that works for us!
How much do people give?
We have donors giving between $2-25 per month and one-time donors who have given $10 to $500.
Our average monthly donation is $10.71
Can I donate by check?
Yes! Find instructions on how to send a check to our fiscal sponsor here:
the SHOUT is fiscally sponsored by The Tiny News Collective (EIN 85-3963369),
a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. You are donating to The Tiny News Collective, which will hold your gift
in a restricted fund for the charitable purposes of the SHOUT but retains variance power in accordance with our
fiscal sponsorship agreement with the SHOUT and FASB Statements 958-605-25-25 and -26. Donations to
Tiny News Collective are tax-deductible as permitted by law. You should consult your tax advisor
regarding the deductibility of your donation.
Step 1
Choose a Donation Option
Donate Now
A charitable donation to support our work
Minimum is $1.00
Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Add an optional note (e.g., "In memory of...")
Add an Optional Note
Step 2
Contact Information
* Required
Step 3
Anything we should know about the person you're honoring?
Step 4
Payment Information - Donating $0.31
Card number is valid
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